Being a visionary can occupy a lot of headspace; magical blueprints of alignment, potential, purpose, expansion, and function, all swimming around, connecting like dots...
The purpose of this section is to define and refine the vision; to filter it from the Dreamtime into the Matrix, and connect the right people to right places. And also, if I die, I can leave it, like crumbs, behind.
* #FRIENDVILLE is a blooming global project - connecting land donors to ground crew. rebuilding tribes, and regrowing the world into food forests, one plot at a time.
* MUSE is a Melbourne-based project, whose purpose is reconnecting the grass-roots arts and entertainment community, and developing a powerful, influential, and sustainable alternative media and information highway. The possibilities are endless...
* THE DREAM ACADEMY is a resource for helping people diagnose and create their dreams; combining visionaries with manifestors. Positions for Dream Agents will open up in the future!
* THE KUNDALINI COUNCIL is a legitimate collection of people for human liberation. It's filled with holistic teachers, authentic resources, Q&A forums, blogs, articles. and more. It's sole purpose is to provide CLARITY on what Kundalini is, what it is for, how to work with it, and what to expect from your awakening. It will bring peace to the search for, or discovery of, enlightenment. It is not the place for posers or porn. It's true, egoless, whole, helpful, and educational.
* WoW: WATCHERS OF THE WORLD is a document and achievable design for Managing the entire World in a lively, transparent, and inclusive way, that blends the best of the past and the present.
By utilising Tribal Lore, Elemental Chemistry, and the tools of our present era, WoW creates a database of already existing - and yet-to-be - NGO's, crowdfunded and upvoted, by the people.
In this way, the funding and prioritising of world-changing projects are in the hands of the people, and are completely transparent for all to see, understand, and support.
In summary, it is a sort of "Global Feng Shui", where we divide this global management (care) into departments governed by The Elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Akasha.
FIRE manages Solar Power, Sexuality, Celebrities, Celebration, Protection, Activism, and the Spark and Spirit of Life.
WATER manages Ocean Health and pollution, overfishing, sea-life protection, accessible drinking water for ALL life, coral regrowth, water power, rivers, spiritual health, nourishment... some WATER examples include Life-Straws, and The Ocean Cleanup.
An actionable example includes:
"Here is an example of a fund/project I would have liked to create:
"I am just thinking out loud, about my own design, and projects.
For example, I want to build a project under the EARTH realm; it's land, housing, farming - whatever.
So I want to design this "movement" of gardeners and permaculturalists who roam the barren-lands of the world, to build self-sustainable gardens, with some future-tech.
So, I will need money, AND people.
I will need crowd-funded votes - ($$$)
And I will need people to step-up and APPLY for the job/position.
No set wage... maybe they get paid in WoWCoins, or votes to be used within the platform. 1 vote per hour's work...?
And/or a % of the available funds after supplies, transport, expenses... etc
People will submit to apply to this project with a 1 minute video, or by filling out an application.
We design a roaming design that can be implemented, anywhere, yet specifically designed for certain climates.
Say, starving Africa.
We despise the genocide, we want them off the tv as victims, and we want the church to stop robbing them of their matriarchal roots.
* soil regeneration org-tech
* water-creation devices
* sustainable greenhousing
* teaching locals how to be independent, grow food, and teach others to do the same: it becomes like a school, like a project. WoW continues to send them all the supplies they need until they can generate their own
* move on to the next barren land and do it all over again...
I might call the project: "World Gardeners", or "World Gnomes" - for something fun.
This job suits someone who Loves to travel, and meet people.
Maybe one day, we can buy our own plane. ;) "
I can see a lot for the potential of our future - and I am not alone! Join in where you feel you fit, and help spread the word.
There is so much more to come...
Who gets to create our reality?